Monday, February 2, 2009

This makes a great interview.

Flexibility: questions should serve as starting conversation, a type of guideline, not a script.
Example: How are you today? followed up with why, what put you in this mood.

Storyline: ask the questions in a way that can be told in a story. This will help others relate.
Example: How did you find yourself in this job. Why did you pick this career?

MR. O'REILLY: Okay. Let's start with national security. Do you believe we're in the middle of a war on terror?

SEN. OBAMA: Absolutely.

MR. O'REILLY: Who is the enemy?

Correlating Questions: have a theme. This will have a more structured interview where a point can be made.
Example: how did you get involved in this job? what was appealing about it? These questions focus around the subject's job.

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