Friday, January 30, 2009

My 20 Questions

1. What will I actually do here?
2. How did you decide this as a career?
3. What did you major in?
4. Was this your first career choice?
5. How do i view my voicemail?
6. How do i set my voicemail message?
7. What will we be testing?
8. How do we test phones?
9. Will we create programs for phones?
10. What will my schedules be?
11. Why did you decide to be a tester?
12. Do you enjoy your job?
13. Would u go back and major in a different degree if you could?
14. What will my project be?
15. How will it help the company?
16. What skills are needed to test programs?
17. Should I research anything to help me test?
18. Whats the best restaurant by Qualcomm?
19. Are you happy that you will have an intern to teach about working in a office?
20. What are your hobbies?

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